This article can help you answer the following questions:
Where is Bulgaria?

How many Deaf / Hard of Hearing people are in Bulgaria?
There are an estimated 229,350 Deaf and Hard of Hearing in the Bulgaria.

This percentage is a rough estimation: 3.3% of the general population. Lack of research make estimating these numbers difficult. The World Health Organization estimates 5% of the world population has significant hearing loss. Keep in mind that developing nations typically have a much higher number of Deaf and Hard of Hearing populations.
What sign languages are used in Bulgaria?
български жестомимичен език (БЖЕ) or Bulgarian Sign Language

Written / spoken languages in Bulgaria:
Romani (the two main varieties being Balkan Romani and Vlax Romani)
Western Armenian
Crimean Tatar
Balkan Gagauz
How do you say Bulgaria in sign language?
Where can I learn Bulgarian Sign Language online?
This language is not yet available. If you would like to learn this language, please request it here: https://www.intersignuniversity.com/sign-languages

InterSign University offers many international sign language courses. Check them out here:
What Deaf organizations are located in Bulgaria?
Description: Supports the social, occupational, medical, and cultural rehabilitation of deaf people. Its website has links to various international deaf organizations.
Source: Gallaudet
Additional sign language resources for Bulgaria
We will update this section as more information becomes available.